Lightning Hope

We donate one-third of our profits to help make society a better place.

Our Belief

Our belief is, Our goal is to make everyday life more attractive and at the same time contribute to people all over the world.

When you buy our products, you are not only helping to heal and soothe someone else with Fragrance, you are also helping to make someone else happy.

To build a brighter, more hopeful future, let us practice compassion for the earth and society and make the world a better place.

Product Pricing

Profit after deducting manufacturing costs and overhead. We donate 1/3 of this profit to various charities.

The remaining profits will be used for future new product development, capital investment, marketing and advertising expenses, etc.

Issues to be addressed

We are contributing to society by focusing on seven key areas. Through these fields, we are working to solve social and environmental problems.

  • disaster support

    When a disaster occurs, many people are in dire straits and there is an urgent need for assistance. Our mission is to be of assistance. Through donations, we provide support to disaster victims and contribute to recovery projects, giving back to the local community.

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  • child support

    Children have unlimited potential, and ensuring they grow up in a healthy environment has a huge impact on their future. However, there are still many problems in the world such as poverty, disease, and hunger, and many children are in need of support. We aim to help brighten the future of children.

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  • medical support

    Healthcare is part of the foundation of society, and health is our most valuable asset. Donations to medical aid contribute to the provision of health care services, advances in medical research, and help improve quality of life.

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  • Women's participation

    We believe it is important for women to have the opportunity to become financially and socially independent and succeed. We contribute to women's rights and success by donating to projects and charities related to women's participation.

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  • forest conservation

    Forests play an essential role in our lives, providing oxygen, maintaining ecosystem balance, and absorbing carbon dioxide, contributing to the mitigation of climate change. However, forests are under threat from environmental changes and over-logging. Our donations will be used to support forest conservation organizations and projects to protect and restore forests.

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  • sustainable energy

    Sustainable energy is essential to reducing our burden on the global environment and addressing global warming and environmental pollution issues. Sustainable energy utilizes renewable resources and contributes to the realization of a clean and environmentally friendly energy supply.

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  • Animal protection support

    Pets are part of the family, and their safety and well-being is extremely important. However, many pets around the world are in need of protection and support, and we take this issue seriously. Donations will be sent to animal protection organizations and shelters to help with medical care, foster care, foster homes, and educational programs for pets.

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