
Aiming for a sustainable future: The current state of deforestation and measures to combat it

Current status of deforestation and its effects

Despite the important role of forests, our planet is currently facing serious deforestation. In the past few decades, vast areas of forests equivalent to the size of a country have been lost, accelerating climate change, reducing biodiversity, and adversely affecting people's living environments.

Main causes of deforestation

Deforestation is caused by a variety of factors, including land use change, illegal logging, and excessive timber exploitation. Clearing forests for agriculture and livestock farming is one of the main causes of deforestation worldwide. Furthermore, excessive timber harvesting and illegal logging for economic gain destroy forest ecosystems and threaten irreplaceable biodiversity.

Measures and initiatives around the world and in Japan

Multifaceted efforts are being made both globally and in Japan to stop deforestation. In the international community, the promotion of sustainable palm oil production and the spread of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) system are progressing, which are important steps toward forest conservation. In Japan, policies are being implemented to promote sustainable forest use through the Clean Wood Act and the Green Purchasing Act. At the corporate level, too, efforts to consider the sustainability of wood, the raw material for products, are becoming more widespread.

Actions that individuals can take to protect forests

The future of forests rests in the hands of each and every one of us. Small everyday choices, such as choosing products with the FSC (forest certification) mark, using wood produced domestically, and trying to reduce paper consumption, can contribute to sustainable forest use. Collectively, the actions of individuals can become a powerful force for forest conservation.

A step towards protecting forests

Measures against deforestation range from global efforts to choices in daily life. There are things that not only countries and companies can do, but also individuals. Taking small steps is the first step to create big changes. Let's protect the future of forests and the earth by each of us making conscious choices toward sustainable forest use. Each individual action will join together to become a force against deforestation.

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